1. Optimization of biomass conditioning parameters for pyrolysis.
2. Optimization of pyrolysis parameters for the production of biochar, pyrolytic oil, and syngas from biomass.
3. Characterization of biochars, bio-oils, and syngas.
4. Assessment of the carbon sequestration potential of biochars for carbon offset credits (CrC).
5. Optimization of storage parameters for root vegetable preservation.
6. Development of methods to enhance energy conversion from ruminant feed.
7. Development of methods to reduce the environmental footprint of agricultural systems.
8. Optimization of drying and grain storage parameters.
9. Agronomic evaluation and experimentation of eco-energetic systems within agricultural production infrastructure
•Biochar analysis laboratory (proximate, ultimate, specific surface area, calorific value, and micro-GC).
•KDS micronizer.
•Mobile dryer.
•Hammer mill.
•Laboratory-scale biomethanizer BMP.
•Biogreen Bench-130 pyrolyzer.
•Biogreen BGR-600 pyrolyzer.
• Establishment of a multi-resource thermochemical conversion research center to develop and produce biochar and derived bioproducts for agricultural, forestry, and industrial valorization.
• Development of research capacity to improve the storage, preservation, and quality of inventories of table, storage, and seed potatoes.
• Study of the potential of biochar as a means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in dairy production.
• Development of graphene production potential through pyrolysis for graphene-based battery design.
• Project for replacing fossil carbon in metallurgy with biochar to achieve carbon neutrality.
• Optimization of gasification for methane and hydrogen production.